Membership Meeting – Voting for Secretary-Treasurer

Membership Meeting Announcement: The next GEO membership meeting will take place, March 1, 2010 from 5pm-6pm, Campus Center 101. This will be an important meeting for GEO membership! Not only will we be electing a new Secretary/Treasurer, but we’ll be seeking your input about the direction of GEO for the future. As many of you are aware, campus is going through some restructuring and we … Continue reading

Career Workshop – International Students Only

Career Workshops for International Students Only. Mar. 9, 24 5-7pm, Cape Cod Lounge, Student Union The Career Services, GEO, and the International Programs Office will be hosting a series of career workshops for international students. These workshops are aimed at helping international students learn best practices for seeking jobs in the U.S. Job Searching, Resume Writing and Cover Letter Workshop. Mar. 9, 5-7pm, Cape Cod Lounge, Student … Continue reading

Statements from Secretary-Treasurer Candidates

The following statements are from the two candidates for GEO Secretary-Treasurer. Hong Yan: I have been a GEO member since September of 2009, the moment I came to University of Massachusetts Amherst. As a graduate student in the department of Asian Languages and Literatures, I really enjoy my life as a student and teaching assistant at the same time. During this whole year, I can see how GEO … Continue reading

MA Joint House and Senate Ways and Means committee public hearing

GEO members: still waiting for our promised raise? Have you had issues with budget cuts in our health insurance or department funding? Proposals are in the legislature to prevent these cuts and deficits next year. The cause is not lost! Come to share your story, have your say in the process or support your colleagues. On Monday, Feb 22, starting at 10:00a.m. in the Campus … Continue reading