Structure of the Local

UAW 2322 Membership

The Highest governing body in the  Local is YOU, our membership. Membership meetings are held twice a year and your voice directs the Local.

Joint Council

Meetings are held throughout the year to discuss and decide on issues important to the Local and it’s members. This includes but is not limited to such items as; the yearly budget, which grievances will go to arbitration, which events and people the Union should endorse, various internal policy issues and so much more.

The Highest governing body in the  Local is YOU, our membership. Membership meetings are held twice a year and your voice directs the Local.

In between Membership meetings Joint Council is the highest governing body. The “JC” meets once a month and is composed of representatives from each worksite, proportionately distributed according to the size of the worksite.

Since our Local combines a variety of job fields, the Joint Council is an important forum for communication and decision making with representatives from all shops. If you want a chance to be involved with the Local on a higher level, if you want to learn more about the role our Local plays in a larger context, and see how your workplace fits into that picture, this is where to come. To nominate yourself for a seat on the Joint council, contact the Local office. An election may be necessary if there is no seat available for your shop.


Any member in good standing can attend a “JC” meeting and offer your input (but if you don’t hold a seat you cannot vote).

Executive Board

Meetings are held throughout the year to discuss and decide on issues important to the Local and it’s members. This includes but is not limited to such items as; the yearly budget, which grievances will go to arbitration, which events and people the Union should endorse, various internal policy issues and so much more.

In between Joint Council meetings, and Membership meetings, the Executive Board is the highest governing body.  The E-Board meets once a month. This Board is elected from membership every three years.


The President handles the day to day decisions of the Local.