Contraceptive Prices Should Not Have Risen! Call UHS Today

GEO-UAW is currently filing a grievance over the unfair contraceptive prices, a slow, but hopefully effective process. Our contract says the prices for birth control will never be over $10, so the administration is using a 2005 law to try to charge more. That law has since been overturned, but the prices at the UHS pharmacy still haven’t been capped since August 1st! Call Bernie … Continue reading

Next Insurance Meeting 8/3/2010

If you didn’t get a chance to come to our last insurance information and discussion meeting, there will be another one tomorrow, August 3. These serve to explain the changes in the SHIP (co-pays, plan year maximums) as well as explain the state of our Health and Wellness Trust and what changes need to be made. We also will discuss the ways the administration has … Continue reading

UAW 2322 Job Posting

Position: Office Manager (GEO office/UMass Amherst campus) Job Duties include but are not limited to: Manage membership database (input form and send on to UMass office) Various clerical duties (word processing, copying, faxing, filing) Answering & redirecting phone calls Checking email, mail, voicemail and answering or redirecting as necessary. Keeping track of staff schedules Assist in preparing mailings (including bi-yearly Hudson report) Design & edit … Continue reading

Birth Control Copay Increases

On July 28, we were informed at an informal grievance meeting that birth control copays were going to increase from $10 to $20 along with all other generic prescriptions.  This is troubling news, as it creates an undue and disproportionate burden on female GEO members, who have been guaranteed $10 birth control prescriptions for over a decade under a document referenced by Article 35, Section … Continue reading

Announcement: Automatic Health Insurance Enrollment

If you are concerned about maintaining continuous health coverage through UHS, make sure you have enrolled in classes for next semester. If you are enrolled in fewer than five credits, are on program fee, need the family plan or are enrolled in classes through Continuing Education, you need to contact UHS Patient Services to enroll.  Tell them if you are GEO-eligible. Once you have enrolled … Continue reading