GEO Membership Email 9/20/2010

GEO Membership Meeting: 9/20/2010 GEO’s first membership meeting of the semester will take place tonight at 5pm in Campus Center room 163C.  Food will be available at 5, and the meeting will commence at 5:15. International Student Pre-Career Workshop: 9/21/2010 This event, a workshop on presenting yourself to potential employers, will run from 4:30-5:30 in Campus Center room 162.  The event is cosponsored by GEO, … Continue reading

Community Mourns Passing of Jennifer Fasulo, Former GEO Officer, Activist

Please take a moment to celebrate the life of a former GEO colleague.  This tribute was written by a few of her fellow GEO leaders and friends.  Her commitment to humanity, equality, social change and union democracy should be examples for us all. Members of the GEO staff and leadership of 1996-98 are deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend and comrade, Jennifer … Continue reading

March for Good Jobs Now! Sept. 15, Downtown Springfield

Tell Congress: Declare a Jobs Emergency Part of a National Day of Action September 15 across the US to demand: * Full and Fair Employment. Congress must recognize the jobs emergency. Pass legislation like the Local Jobs for America Act that will create jobs, protect public services, and help get our economy going again. * Wall Street must pay their fair share for the crisis … Continue reading