Sign up for the UAW’s GimmeFive Program!

The GimmeFive program was launched at the 35th UAW Convention in June 2010 by President Bob King, the newly elected International Officers and Regional Directors, and the UAW Local Union Delegates. GimmeFive recruits and engages members in a new and innovative mobilizing program to Organize, Build Power and Win Justice for our union and community. TOGETHER WE WIN! The first step is to, sign up … Continue reading

Membership Email 10-18-2010

Upcoming Events International Student Caucus Meeting Tuesday, October 19, 1-2pm: Campus Center Room 805 The International Student Caucus addresses issues that uniquely affect international graduate students. Such issues may relate to your job, living conditions, immigration, academics, social/cultural community, etc. For more info, contact our International Student Coordinator, Nigel Brissett, at Queer Caucus Trivia Night Thursday, October 21, 7-9pm: Grad Student Lounge, UMass Campus … Continue reading

Fundraising for Pakistanis affected by the recent floods

More than a month into the recent monsoonal floods in Pakistan, floodwaters continue to flow southwards, engulfing and washing away entire villages and displacing millions of people. By September 6th, more than 350,000 people had to flee their hometowns because of fresh flooding. More than one-fifth of the country is now underwater, and the flooding hasn’t stopped yet. It is estimated that the floods have … Continue reading

GEO Now Hiring: Family Issues Advocate, Organizer/Membership Coordinator

GEO is now hiring for two staff assistantships within the office. The Family Issues Advocate provides support for graduate students with families and represents their issues to the union and administration. The Organizer/Membership Mobilization Coordinator provides leadership for campaign development and internal organizing within GEO. Preference will be given to GEO members who have been active in committees and campaigns, or have related issue experience. … Continue reading

Get on the BUS to Boston to protest Budget Cuts Thursday, October 7th

Leaves: UMass Haigis Mall 8:45am, Thursday, October 7th Returns: UMass around 5:30pm, Thursday, October 7th To sign up for the bus e-mail: Over the past five years, Massachusetts has cut public higher education funding more than any other state. This has continued decades of disinvestment that have threatened the promise of an affordable, accessible, and high-quality public higher education system. Budget cuts and resulting fee … Continue reading