Time to Double Check Your Contract

Have you checked your Graduate Fellowship and Assistantship Form (GFAF) this semester?  This is the form, known to most as your individual contract, that you sign at your department when you accept an assistantship.  It lists your start date, end date, hours per week, hourly rate, signature of Grad Program Director, and so forth.  If you no longer have your copy, you can get one … Continue reading

Assistantship Allocation Forum

Do you find the funding allocation process in your department to be secretive, confusing or unfair? Interested in how funding allocation happens in other departments? Come to a GEO forum next Thursday, Nov 4 at 2 pm in Campus Center room 903. This forum will explore whether there is any discrimination in the awarding of assistantships, as well as look at “best practices” in departments … Continue reading

GEO Salary Increase!

GEO just received word from the University that the FY10 raises for other unions on campus have been funded by the legislature.  In addition to the raises members of those unions will receive, UMass announced it will be funding the GEO contract despite the legislature not having funded the bill which would appropriate the money to fund our contract.  This means a salary increase and … Continue reading

Extended Dental/Vision Priority Enrollment Deadline

Leslie Edwards, the benefits administrator for UAW/UMass Health & Welfare Trust, has informed GEO that Delta Dental and EyeMed Vision has been able to process dental and vision insurance enrollments at a faster rate than in past years.  Because of that, she has been able to extend the deadline for priority enrollment to October 31.  If you sign up online at the Dental Trust’s website … Continue reading