FAQs about the GEO Stipend Increase

Stipend Increase Schedule Q: When are the increases going to be implemented? A: Here is the “tentative” schedule from the University: The lump sum retroactive payment for the FY10 1.5% base stipend increase will be paid on the January 21, 2011 paydate. The new stipend rates for the FY11 2.5% base stipend increase will be set in the February 18, 2011 pay advice, including any … Continue reading

Legal Issues Forum for International Students

GEO’s International Student Caucus, in collaboration with Student Legal Services Office and International Programs Office, presents: LEGAL ISSUES FORUM for International Students on November 15, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Campus Center, room 168. Please join us!!! The goal of the forum is to address the many legal concerns that international students have regarding various aspects of their stay in the … Continue reading

Get Reimbursed For Prescription Copayments Over $250

Each plan year, each GEO member is entitled to a reimbursement from UHS for any prescription copayment costs that exceed $250.  According to Article 35(g) of the GEO contract, no one should make more than $250 in co-payments per year. Members have to keep track of their co-payments themselves, however, because UHS does not automatically stop charging co-pays once this limit is reached. To receive … Continue reading

GEO turns 20 years old this month!

In November of 1990, the organizing efforts of UMass Amherst graduate student assistants and community members paid off. While a first contract would not be reached until a 10 day strike the following year, the first step of union ratification occurred in this month, twenty years ago. If you or someone you know was involved in the initial organizing effort, please have them contact the … Continue reading

Finance Committee Meeting

The date of GEO’s next finance committee meeting has been moved to Tuesday, November 16th. The meeting will convene at 11:00AM in Campus Center Room 802 and will last no more then an hour. The finance committee offers GEO members more then an opportunity to take part in the crucial task of planning next year’s budget.