UAW 2322 Member – Activist – Steward Training Report Back

Yesterday’s Local 2322 Member – Activist – Steward (MAS) Training was a success.  18 UAW 2322 members, including 6 GEO members, gathered to discuss their goals as members and stewards, and to learn the basics of the steward’s role, including: Weingarten rights and investigatory meetings An overview of the Family and Medical Leave Act The Duty of Fair Representation Investigating, filing, and documenting grievances Working … Continue reading

UAW 2322 Skating Party

UAW 2322’s February 6, 2011 Skating Party was a resounding success!  Bringing together members from many of the shops in UAW Local 2322, including GEO, the UMass RA Union, ServiceNet, Providence Hospital, and others, we had two hours of family fun and skating.  This yearly social event continues to be one of the Local’s best attended and most popular events. … Continue reading

Update from Membership Meeting

Congratulations to the new GEO Elections Committee and Joint Council Members who were elected at the Membership Meeting Tuesday, February 8.  Dan Armenti from Complit, Kathleen Baldwin from English, Dominique Cambou from Physics, Josh Pezet from O&E Biology, Laura Heston from Sociology, Kit Smemo from History and Dana Algaier from Chemistry will serve on the Elections Committee.  Additionally Kathleen will serve on the Joint Council … Continue reading

Steward’s Assembly Appoints Interim GEO President

On Monday, January 31, GEO stewards voted to appoint an interim president until the elections for 2011-2012 officers can be held. The by-laws state that stewards can appoint officers from the Assembly of Stewards. As the chair of the grievance committee, GEO grievance coordinator, Derek Doughty, was eligible and nominated for the position of president. He was voted in by the Assembly and has assumed … Continue reading