June 7, 2016 – Providence Hospital Bargaining Update

Today, the union’s bargaining committee presented a package counterproposal to management addressing most of the proposals on the table.  The union team is optimistic that we will achieve strong improvements in the contract that will benefit all of our members at Providence Hospital. Last week, management offered us a package proposal which included modest wage increases, no changes to MMTP caseloads, improvements to MMTP group … Continue reading

May 25, 2016 – Providence Hospital Bargaining Update

The Providence Hospital Union Bargaining Committee is currently in its 6th meeting with management. We just handed management our wage package proposal. In previous sessions, we have offered proposals on Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Caseloads, Group Productivity Rates, Intake Productivity Rates, and Probationary Period Productivity Requirements, as well as Payroll Periods, Preceptor Training, Time Clocks & Payroll Periods, Mandating, Floating, and Bereavement Leave. … Continue reading

Tentative Agreement on Just Cause for Resident Assistants/Peer Mentors!

VICTORY!   After almost a year of bargaining, today RAs and PMs reached a tentative agreement on a contract. Our wins include: JUST CAUSE for termination NO new duty hours INCREASED COMPENSATION Cheaper parking in purple lots Paid release time for union organizers We would like to thank our members and allies including Congressman McGovern, Senator Rosenberg, MA AFL-CIO President Tollman, Western MA Jobs with … Continue reading

3/29/2016 Providence Hospital Bargaining Update

The union bargaining committee met with management for a second bargaining session on March 29, 2016. The union team – John McGrath (Detox), Traci Ellithorpe (Older Adult), Michelle Rubeck (CHAD), Miriam Lexie (MMTP), Olga Mercado (Detox), Elizabeth Audet (Adult Psych) and Ryan Quinn (UAW 2322 Rep.) – came in with three proposals. Two proposals addressed productivity and workload in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program by … Continue reading

3/15/2016 Providence Hospital Bargaining Update

The union bargaining committee met with management for a first bargaining session on March 15, 2016.  The union team – John McGrath (Detox), Traci Ellithorpe (Older Adult), Michelle Rubeck (CHAD), Miriam Lexie (MMTP), Olga Mercado (Detox), Ryan Quinn (UAW 2322 Rep.), and Karen Rosenberg (UAW Int’l Rep.) – was prepared to discuss bargaining proposals, but management first wanted to discuss ground rules.  These ground rules … Continue reading