YWCA Union Ratification Vote!

Thursday July 17, 2014 Stop by the local anytime between 8 am- 7 pm (Let nancy@uaw2322.org know if these times do not work for you and she will try to accommodate) UAW Local 2322 Union Office 4 open square way #406 Holyoke, MA 413-534-7600 The bargaining committee has finished and is happy to present all of the improvements and changes to the new UAW Local 2322/YWCA of Western … Continue reading

Bargaining survey and updates!

Dear GEO-UAW 2322 supporters,In two days, fellow GEO members (your elected bargaining committee) will be sit across from the UMass Amherst administration to begin negotiating our next collective bargaining agreement – the document that will define and shape your working environment and that of your colleagues for years to come.  If we’re going to preserve our contract and make it stronger, we need to all … Continue reading

Update from New Leadership & Bargaining Committee

Dear GEO-UAW members: Hello from your new leadership! We officially took office on June 1st and are thrilled to work with you in the coming year. As you know, we’ve been preparing to begin negotiating our next contract. This email is a quick update explaining where we are in that process and how you can help us get ready. Before we get into detailed updates, … Continue reading

Grad Workers Rising: May Day Solidarity Statement with CGEU

We are members of the Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions, a body that represents unionized graduate workers throughout the United States and Canada, including grad workers undertaking campaigns to unionize who have not yet achieved recognition. We are course instructors; researchers; teaching & research assistants; student affairs, advising, and residence life staffers; tutors, readers, lab supervisors, and graders. We are graduate student-workers. This May Day, … Continue reading

Results of 2014-2015 GEO Election

Dear GEO Members, Election season has come to a close and there are many people to congratulate. You can see our new GEO Officers below: Co-Chairs: Anna Waltman and Anais Surkin Mobilization Coordinator: Yetunde Ajao Steering At-Large Member: Eric Hoyt Also, congratulations to the By-Laws committee! The By-Laws revisions were overwhelmingly approved in the election. Furthermore, we have news about the Constitutional Convention Delegate/Alternate election. … Continue reading