Bargaining survey and updates!

Dear GEO-UAW 2322 supporters,In two days, fellow GEO members (your elected bargaining committee) will be sit across from the UMass Amherst administration to begin negotiating our next collective bargaining agreement – the document that will define and shape your working environment and that of your colleagues for years to come.  If we’re going to preserve our contract and make it stronger, we need to all … Continue reading

Goddard College Faculty and Staff Solidarity Statement

We, the undersigned Goddard faculty and staff, members of UAW Local 2322, embrace the recently announced presidential transition as an important opportunity to stabilize and strengthen the college. We call upon the Board of Trustees to engage with a full range of college constituencies around the following principles, thereby restoring Goddard’s fiscal health while upholding our mission of rigorous inquiry, collaborative participation, and “imaginative and … Continue reading

July 12, 2013 Goddard Staff Bargaining Update

Dear Fellow Goddard Staff Union Members, There was a Bargaining Meeting between the GC Administration team and the GC Staff Union Bargaining team on Wednesday, July 10, 2013. Ryan Quinn and Karen Rosenberg from the UAW participated in the bargaining on our behalf. Comprehensive proposals were exchanged. Here are some highlights of the GC Administration’s proposals: Rejection of our proposals to reduce the probationary periods for temporary … Continue reading

July 2, 2013 ServiceNet Unit Meeting Update

ServiceNet Unit Meeting Update from your servicing rep, Brooks Ballenger! We had a great meeting and discussion about the struggle to win a fair contract at ServiceNet. We discussed ServiceNet and the Union’s proposals at length. Although ServiceNet has upped their offer to 2% the first year, many members expressed outrage that we are still being offered 3 years of NO guaranteed raises. No one … Continue reading

June 27, 2013 Goddard Staff Bargaining Update

Dear Fellow Goddard Staff Union Members, There was a Bargaining Meeting between the GC Administration team and the GC Staff Union Bargaining team on Thursday, June 27, 2013.  In attendance were 2 representatives (Ryan Quinn and Karen Rosenberg) from the UAW who were participating on our behalf.   An important development is that at this time, there is a UAW forensic accountant in Detroit who is … Continue reading