2/26/15 GEO Bargaining Update

Hello GEO family! The bargaining update this week focuses on an issue that is near and dear to our hearts: healthcare. The GEO healthcare proposal is straightforward — we want to eliminate co-insurance and instead have a system of fixed co-payments, and we want to lower the total out-of-pocket costs for our members. We want our members to be able to afford the care that … Continue reading

2/17/15 GEO Bargaining Update

Dear fellow GEO members, There are many exciting things to report in this member update! Last week, management disrespectfully and unilaterally cancelled a bargaining session at the last minute, and your elected bargaining team took swift action.  In under nine hours, using word-of-mouth and social media, we mobilized 40 GEO members and supporters, especially undergraduate allies, to stage a sit-in and bargaining teach-in outside of … Continue reading

11/18/2014 Goddard Staff Bargaining Update

On November 18, the Goddard Staff Bargaining Committee met with management to negotiate a first agreement for the union. Following up on our October 30 bargaining session, where we were able to come to tentative agreement on “Union Recognition”, “Discipline and Discharge”, “Non-Discrimination”, “Sexual Harassment”, “Personnel Files”, “Notices”, “Severability”, “Union Security”, “Labor/Management Committee”, “Residency Employees”, and “Probation and Probationary Periods”, we reached conceptual agreement on the articles … Continue reading

10/30/2014 Goddard Staff Bargaining Update

On October 30, the Goddard Staff bargaining committee met with management in the Clockhouse. Management and the union bargaining committee tentatively agreed on and signed eleven articles: “Union Recognition”, “Discipline and Discharge”, “Non-Discrimination”, “Sexual Harassment”, “Personnel Files”, “Notices”, “Severability”, “Union Security”, “Labor/Management Committee”, “Residency Employees”, and “Probation and Probationary Periods”. These tentative agreements mean that the language for those articles is settled, pending agreement on … Continue reading

10/16/2014 Goddard Staff Bargaining Update

On October 16, the newly reconstituted Goddard Staff bargaining committee met with management in the Oak Room to restart the bargaining process. We were pleased at the change in tone from previous negotiations, but there is still much work to be done before we have a first contract. Management gave an updated offer where they showed some movement on several outstanding issues. It is clear … Continue reading