Gym Fee increase

Over the summer, the cost for graduate students to use the rec centers on campus went up from $40 per term to $125 per term, supposedly to pay for the new rec center. Join the facebook group on the gym fee hike to find out what we can do about it. By acting together, we will show the administration that it is not just complaints … Continue reading

The results are in!!

Congratulations to Vira Douangmany, and Megan Nagel, our newly appointed Members at Large to the Steering Committee! And also to Sharice Brown, GEO’s new Vice President!! Thank you to everyone who voted and especially to Jackie, Naomi, Chris and Mackenzie, our elections committee.  There were three excellent candidates, thanks to everyone for participating. … Continue reading

Absentee voting extended!!

To allow GEO members not on campus Wednesday to participate in our election for VP, GEO members in our membership meeting Wednesday night voted to extend the election for one more day.  Dues paying members not able to vote Wednesday afternoon, or during the membership meeting, can still stop by our table in the Campus Center concourse between noon and 5:00 p.m on Thursday, Sept. … Continue reading

For GEO members not able to attend the membership meeting, YOU CAN STILL VOTE!!!

***************************************************** We will be set up in the Campus Center concourse on Wednesday from noon to 5:00 p.m. with the ballot box.  Dues paying members can submit their vote for Vice President then, OR during the membership meeting. ***************************************************** … Continue reading

GEO VP Election – Candidates’ Statements

Sharice Brown Hello, My name is Sharice Brown and I am running for the position of Vice President of the Graduate Employee Organization. Last year I worked as the Contract Campaign Organizer for GEO to secure the contract and this year I held the title of Summer Orientations Coordinator, working to organize as well as address members directly through campus-wide departmental orientations.  Through this work, … Continue reading