New information on health insurance changes

After receiving the University’s Letter to Graduate Student Employees on May 27, 2011, many of us had questions about what the proposed changes to the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) would mean for graduate employees.  We have recently come into possession of an additional memo from Donna Yezierski to UHS “Providers, Clinic Staff, PT, Specialty Clinic, Patient Services” which outlines the changes in greater detail … Continue reading

Disaster Assistance

Dear Sisters and Brothers, The following information is being sent to our members who may have sustained loses from Wednesday’s devastating tornado. We also ask that if anyone knows of others who could use this information they pass it on. While we know with certainly that we have had members sustain personal and professional loses we have not had many contact us. As an example … Continue reading

Contact University Health Services about changes to our insurance

Email UHS with your concerns about their proposed insurance plan!  Just fill out the form below and click “Send”.  Feel free to replace our text with your own message and concerns about the new plan announced on May 27, 2011. We have taken down our submission form. Here is the letter that over 400 GEO members sent: The changes to the Student Health Insurance Plan … Continue reading

UAW 2322 involvement in Northampton Pride March a success

GEO had a significant contingent of members at the 30th Annual Northampton Pride March on Saturday, May 7.  We joined our sisters and brothers in other UAW Local 2322 shops to show labor’s support for the area’s gay/lesbian/bi/trans/queer communities. You can see more pictures of Local 2322 members (including GEO leadership, staff, and members) marching in the Pride Parade here.  Also, check out the story … Continue reading

PHENOM at the Statehouse for Revenue Bill

PHENOM will have a major presence at the legislative Revenue Committee’s hearing on the progressive revenue bill (An Act to Invest in Our Communities) tomorrow (Thursday).  Please join us and folks from the MTA and many other unions and community organizations as we advocate for fair tax reform.  The bill would raise over $1.3 billion with almost all of it coming from increased taxes on … Continue reading