Volunteers for Puerto Rico Needed!

[ Please read the information (below) closely, it is a rigorous commitment and seats will be limited. ] FROM THE AFLCIO: The AFL-CIO is coordinating relief efforts for Puerto Rico.  There is a flight leaving Newark New Jersey on Wednesday (October 4) with seats for 300 volunteers. The AFL-CIO has made a request for very specific skills (see attached) and has emphasized that volunteering in … Continue reading

Upcoming Union meetings for ServiceNet members!

ServiceNet members are holding union meetings next week in four different locations. We hope to gather as many ServiceNet staff as we can to discuss workplace issues and our ongoing contract negotiations. Please come to any of the meetings that work for you, no matter where your program is located. Northampton meeting Monday June 19th (9:30-11:30am) Pioneer Valley Workers’ Center – 20 Hampton Ave, #200 … Continue reading

Support Our Nurses!

Find out what is going on and why the nurses will be going on strike by visiting our facebook post  https://www.facebook.com/UAW2322/posts/1502240279796139. The Mass Nurses Association appreciates your ongoing support of the BFMC RNs. They have received requests from the community regarding how they can support the nurses. Several have also requested talking points to use in letters to the editor. You can get those by clicking HERE. You can … Continue reading

March with UAW for Immigrants and Refugees

WE MARCH ON MAY 1ST! SANCTUARY TODAY, LIBERATION TOMORROW Did you know that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Springfield is tripling in size? Did you know that there are 25 workers in 4 Northampton workplaces who are fighting against wage theft and sexual harassment? 12:00pm: Potluck at PVWC (20 Hampton Avenue, Suite 200, Northampton) 1:30pm: People Power March in Northampton (leaving from PVWC office) 5:30pm: Join the UAW … Continue reading

Women’s Institute for Leadership Development

WILD is a grassroots women’s organization that empowers women to become more effective leaders and organizers in the Massachusetts labor movement. Scheduled workshops are: Knowing & Advancing our Rights in a New Political Era, Coalition Building in Difficult Times, Reproductive Rights Through the Lens of the Workplace, Planning Creative Actions, Racial & Immigrant Justice, Becoming a Union-Building Steward. This Summer Institute session will be held; June … Continue reading