Holyoke public schools are closed today, February 13th, due to the storm. This is a reminder that our offices are tied to the city closings and will therefore be closed too. Stay safe everyone. … Continue reading
Holyoke public schools are closed today, February 13th, due to the storm. This is a reminder that our offices are tied to the city closings and will therefore be closed too. Stay safe everyone. … Continue reading
This spring, the membership of UAW Local 2322 will be holding triennial Executive Board elections. The election committee sent a mailing, Friday, February 1st to all members at their last know mailing address listed with the Holyoke office. If you have not seen that notice you can view a copy of it using the link provided here: 2019 Nomination notice (or view below). If you do not receive … Continue reading
Decades after his death, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. couldn’t have possibly known that we would remember his famous dream and his fight for civil and human rights. The humble Baptist preacher, activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate believed everyone had a right to share the American Dream, whether it meant earning a decent living, being able to buy a home in any … Continue reading
The UAW Triennial Election is fast approaching and our Local will be electing it’s new leadership. To do that we need members of our Local to volunteer to serve in order to satisfy the requirements in the by-laws. The function of the committee is to ensure a fair and timely election. This committee will consist of 5 members with 3 alternates to step in if … Continue reading