Remember to Vote in the GEO Elections this week!

Dear GEO members, Just a reminder about the upcoming elections this week! Be sure to come and vote for your GEO officers and to approve the changes to the GEO Bylaws! Voting will take place at the following times: Thursday, April 10, 2pm – 5pm (Campus Center Concourse) Friday, April 11, 9am – 1pm (Campus Center Concourse) Monday, April 14, 3pm – 5pm (Campus Center … Continue reading

GEO Election Reminder

Dear GEO Members, Please come out and vote in the two upcoming GEO elections this month. Voters may be asked to show ID at the polling station. See below for reminders and details: GEO Officers Election This election will fill the following positions: two Co-chairs, the Mobilization Coordinator, and a Steering Committee At-Large Member. Voting will take place over the course of three days: Thursday … Continue reading

GEO Leadership & Steering At-Large Elections Notice

GEO-UAW2322 413-545-0705 201 Student Union UMass Amherst NOTICE OF GEO-UAW 2322 OFFICERS & (2) STEERING MEMBERS AT-LARGE 3/13/14 There will be an election for GEO-UAW 2322 Officers: (2) Co-Chairs, (1) Membership Mobilization Coordinator and (2) Steering Members At-Large. TERM AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS & STEERING MEMBERS AT-LARGE In accordance with the GEO Bylaws, all officers are elected for one year terms. They will take … Continue reading

GEO Constitutional Convention Delegate Elections Notice

NOTICE OF GEO-UAW 2322 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION DELEGATE NOMINATIONS and ELECTIONS 3/13/14 There will be an election for GEO delegates to the 2014 UAW Constitutional Convention, in accordance with the Constitution; Local bylaws; and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended. TERM AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF DELEGATES Constitutional Convention Delegates (3) and Alternates [3]: Will serve as delegates to the 2014 Constitutional Convention in … Continue reading