Join the One Nation March – October 2, 2010

On Saturday, October 2, 2010, hundreds of thousands of people from across America will gather at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate our re-commitment to change. The One Nation March will feature human and civil rights leaders, labor leaders, environmental and peace activists, faith leaders, celebrities and sports figures – all marching together to help Put America Back to Work and to Pull … Continue reading

Still Being Billed for Health Insurance?

Concerned about the health plan fees that are still on your SPIRE bill?  Sometimes it takes a few weeks for the payroll records to match those at the bursar’s office. The changes should be made by the time fees are due, but if you are concerned you can contact the bursar’s office. 215 Whitmore or 413 545-2368

Fall Membership Meeting Dates

Please make plans to come to these following GEO meeting dates: Monday, September 20 in Campus Center 163c Tuesday, October 26 Thursday, December 2 All meetings will have dinner available at 5, and the meeting will start at 5:15. There will also be our Fall Benefits Fair on September 23, from 10-4pm, in the Campus Concourse. You will be able to sign-up for dental and … Continue reading

Recreation Memberships: Payroll Deduction option and Earlybird Savings

Recreation Services has added two new payment options available for the next few weeks. PAYROLL DEDUCTION: If you would like to have your gym fee membership deducted automatically from your paycheck at $7 a week, you may sign up for that now.  You’ll need to show your academic contract paperwork. DISCOUNT: Before 9/17, get the Early Bird discount: if you can pay cash/check upfront save … Continue reading

Grad Students May Be Eligible for Fuel Assistance

The Massachusetts Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is currently accepting applications for fuel assistance this winter.  If heating costs (oil, gas, electricity, etc seem daunting this winter, consider applying for help.  With the rise in prescription copays, insurance deductibles and our still un-funded contract, GEO members can use all the help they can get. Go to their website for more information, how to apply … Continue reading