Take Action to Protest the Unfair Firing of Ellen Martins, President of UAF-UAW Local 1596!

Please take a moment to send an email or call Marty Meehan, the Chancellor of UMass Lowell, or President of UMass Robert Caret to protest the firing of Ellen Martins, long-time adjunct professor and Union President. From the UMass Lowell Union of Adjunct Faculty (UAF/UAW) Facebook page: “UML UNION FILES CHARGES OVER FIRING OF UNION PRESIDENT The Union of Adjunct Faculty, (UAF-UAW, Local 1596) filed charges … Continue reading

Stop Walmart in Holyoke

August 12, 2013 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Log Cabin Banquet and Meeting House 500 Easthampton Road,Holyoke Walmart has invited the public to discuss its proposed Holyoke store. Join us both inside and outside the Log Cabin. Being publicly invited by Walmart, we will park in the Log Cabin lot. Come early to be sure to get a spot. Inside we will wear stickers and … Continue reading

UAW 2322 Joins “Raise Up Massachusetts” for Minimum Wage Hike, Earned Sick Time

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 marked 4 years since the last time the federal minimum wage had increased, to $7.25  The Massachusetts minimum wage still stands at $8, as it has since 2008.  To publicize this fact and to call for further increases, groups around the country participated in a national day of action to raise the minimum wage.  In Massachusetts, Raise Up Massachusetts took the … Continue reading