Stop Cuts to the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority

Make your calls today! Governor Charlie Baker’s state budget will under fund our bus service by millions of dollars. Fare hikes, reduced weekend service, less frequent buses, and the elimination of entire routes are coming if our state legislators don’t act! Please check out the fliers for information on how to contact your State Representative and Senator. Stop PVTA Cuts Hampshire Stop PVTA Cuts Hampde … Continue reading

Please Welcome Local 2322’s Newest Members!

We are pleased to announce that the faculty and staff of the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts School have joined our Local! The workers at PVPA were concerned about their working conditions, including not having input regarding the issues that were most important to themselves, their students, and their school. They decided that in order to have a voice, they wanted to form a union. They … Continue reading

Ice Skating Party … Sunday, February 25th!

Ice Skating Party … for UAW 2322 members, friends, and family Sunday, February 25, 2018 11:20 AM – 1:20 PM UMass Mullins Center – Amherst * free parking * No cost to members and their guests Skates – Bring your own or use free Mullins Center skates (kid sizes are limited). Refreshments – light refreshments will be on hand for our guests to enjoy. ** All … Continue reading