Solidarity with Standing Rock & Supply Drive

Dear UAW 2322 members, At our October 13, 2016 Local Membership meeting we resoundingly ratified a resolution in Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. In the spirit of our local’s long history of standing for social, economic and environmental justice and as an implementation of this resolution, union leadership will be travelling to the Oceti Sakowin Camp to join the union camp with “Labor … Continue reading

Political & Legislative Committee – Join us

For All These Rights, We Continue to Fight!   Living wages * Healthcare * Safe workplaces * Union rights and closed shops * No Deportations * Freedom from police violence * A livable planet * Dignity at work * Reproductive rights * LGBTQ equality Our rights are under attack from politicians. Want to fight back? Join the rank-and-file UAW Local 2322 legislation committee! Our first … Continue reading

Standing Rock Supply Drive

UAW 2322 stands in solidarity with those fighting to keep their lands free of the Dakota Access Pipeline. So we will be collecting supplies at our holiday party for items needed on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. We have members willing to deliver these items and show our Union’s support. Please help if you can.          The list we have been given is: Emergency blankets Pepto-Bismol … Continue reading