The UAW 2322 finance committee will be meeting this Wednesday, May 22nd, at 1:00 in room 911-15, campus center at UMass-Amherst. Any member wishing to attend should RSVP to Anais Surkin at anais@uaw2322.org. … Continue reading
The UAW 2322 finance committee will be meeting this Wednesday, May 22nd, at 1:00 in room 911-15, campus center at UMass-Amherst. Any member wishing to attend should RSVP to Anais Surkin at anais@uaw2322.org. … Continue reading
We are pleased to announce a number of winners in our triennial elections! PRESIDENT· Anais Surkin (UAW Local 2322 Staff) VICE PRESIDENT· Erin Wilson (UAW Local 2322 Staff) RECORDING SECRETARY (by acclamation)· Naria Sealy (UMass Residential Assistant and Peer Mentor Union) FINANCIAL SECRETARY (by acclamation)· Mitchell Manning (UMass Graduate Employee Organization) TRUSTEES· Krysty Cresenzi (Providence Hospital)· Anna-Claire Steffen (UMass Graduate Employee Organization)· Alyssa Goldstein (UMass Graduate Employee Organization) GUIDE· Danielle Allessio (UMass Graduate Employee Organization) SARGEANT-AT-ARMS (by acclamation)· Hannah Levine (Nonotuck … Continue reading
Joint Council is cancelled for 3/28/19. The next meeting will be April 25th at 6pm at UMass Amherst, Campus Center room 803. … Continue reading
Below are statements for UAW 2322 members running for the 2019-22 term of the Executive Board of your Local. Ballots will be in the mail by the end of day on March 25th. Voting for the UAW 2322 Triennial election ends at 4:00 pm on April 22nd, so make sure you mail your ballot back with enough time to arrive by the deadline. Contact the … Continue reading
We are pleased to announce a number of candidates and winners by acclamation. The contested offices this election are for the president, vice president, guide, and trustees. All other positions, namely that of recording secretary, financial secretary, and sergeant-at-arms have been won by uncontested nominees. Congrats to our new officers and candidates, and thank you for coming forward to do this work for us all! … Continue reading