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Category Archives: Providence Hospital

44 members voted today on contract ratification, which ran from 6:30-8:30AM and 1-5PM. 98% voted “Yes” to approve the tentative agreement at Providence Hospital: 42 Yes 1 No 1 Spoiled Ballot Thanks to the union’s bargaining committee for all their hard work! … Continue reading

The union’s bargaining committee met yesterday and today for a total of about 20 hours to come to a tentative agreement on a new four-year contract at Providence Hospital. These marathon sessions were the 11th and 12th times that the union’s bargaining committee met with management. The agreement is for a four-year contract and includes over 4% in increases to starting wages, and $.40 per year … Continue reading

The union’s bargaining committee met with Providence Hospital’s management for the 10th bargaining session. The union had previously provided a financial package proposal to management at the end of the last session. Management’s team began the session today by providing a package counterproposal which addressed some of the union’s issues, but which ultimately maintained the majority of management’s prior proposals. The union countered with a … Continue reading