The Local 2322’s Triennial Election is soon approaching, and our Local Union will be electing its new executive board leadership in the upcoming months. In order to facilitate these elections, we need members of our Local to volunteer to serve on the Election Committee in order to satisfy the requirements in our union by-laws. The function of the committee is to ensure a fair and timely election.
The committee will consist of five (5) members with three (3) alternates to step in if needed.
Members of the committee cannot run for office nor participate in any election campaign on behalf of candidates. All members in good standing are eligible to serve on the Election Committee.
Some of the responsibilities may include meeting with the committee to coordinate on the following:
– Write a timeline of important election dates (can be done remotely);
– Draft (revise from existing templates) notices to membership about the election (can be done remotely);
– Coordinate with Local 2322 Office and Staff to ensure proper mailings go out (some remote work, some work in Holyoke, MA);
– Help staff the ballot counting (location(s) depends on election plans made by the committee).
The committee will be supported by staff and a comprehensive written guide. Prior experience on an election committee is welcome but not required.
If you want to be part of this committee, contact us at by Thursday, March 6th. Please include a short statement about why you want to serve on the committee. The Joint Council will select the committee at its upcoming meeting.
In Solidarity,
UAW Local 2322