UAW Local 2322 condemns Chancellor Reyes and UMass administration crackdown on Palestine solidarity protesters

The leadership of UAW 2322 condemns the violent crackdown ordered by Chancellor Reyes and UMass administration against the Palestine solidarity encampment last week. Over 100 police from 5 different police departments attacked a peaceful encampment and arrested 130 protesters. Our local represents nearly 3000 graduate researchers, graduate teachers, graduate fellows, post-doctoral researchers, undergraduate resident assistants, and peer mentors across three bargaining units at UMass Amherst. We also represent nearly 5000 members in Western and Central Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Our union will materially support any Local 2322 members who were needlessly brutalized by the police.

Chancellor Reyes has a proven track record of lying to protesters. The chair of the Board of Trustees Stephen Karam and President Marty Meehan’s unconditional support for Chancellor Reyes shows a willful disregard for the health and safety, academic freedom, and the rights of free speech and assembly of the UMass Amherst community. Additionally, the university is being investigated by the Department of Education for anti-Palestinian racism. The leadership of Local 2322 has serious concerns about the university’s ability to negotiate with us in good faith given their wanton use of violence and dishonesty.

This statement stands in solidarity with other members of our community who have issued statements of condemnation towards UMass’ actions. UMass Unions United have condemned Chancellor Reyes’ response. GEO-UAW 2322 has called for a vote of no confidence. The UAW has nationally called for a ceasefire in Gaza, and has more recently condemned the crackdown on student protesters by universities across the US. UAW Local 2322 stands in solidarity with our fellow UAW workers, and campus workers everywhere, who have been subject to police violence and repression. 

UAW Local 2322 is proud to have endorsed the call for BDS in support of Palestinian civil society fighting for equal rights and equality in Israel/Palestine. Local 2322 condemns all xenophobia, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, and racism. We unequivocally support the demands of the UMass Palestine solidarity movement, namely, to disclose and divest from all partnerships with war profiteers and to drop sanctions issued against the 57 students arrested in October. In addition to supporting the demands set forth by the encampment’s organizers, we also want to uplift the ongoing organizing work being done by members of the GEO Palestine Solidarity Caucus to mobilize graduate student workers at UMass and in the local community.
Local 2322 will support our members in organizing for justice by all legal, political, and economic means. GEO’s Palestine Solidarity Caucus is also prepared to provide legal support to all those arrested during the demonstration. If you have questions or concerns about the resources available to you, please email to get in contact with PSC’s Steering Committee.

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