Election season for the 2322 officers is quickly approaching, but only two people have come forward to serve on the Elections Committee! The election cannot happen without a committee, and we need three more volunteers to serve in order to satisfy the requirements in the By-laws. The function of the committee is to ensure a fair and timely election. (You are not eligible if you are going to run for an Executive Board position.)
Here are some of the duties of the Elections Committee:
-Write up a timeline of important election dates (can be done remotely)
-Draft (revise from existing templates) notices to membership about the election (can be done remotely)
-Coordinate with the Local 2322 Office and Staff in Holyoke, MA to ensure mailings go out (some remote work, some work in Holyoke)
-Help staff the ballot counting location (cannot be done remotely)
Committee members will be supported every step of the way by staff, leadership, a Handbook, and people with previous Election Committee experience (like myself!).
If you have questions about the duties, please feel free to email me at carly@uaw2322.org.
Carly Houston Overfelt
Recording Secretary