On October 30, the Goddard Staff bargaining committee met with management in the Clockhouse. Management and the union bargaining committee tentatively agreed on and signed eleven articles: “Union Recognition”, “Discipline and Discharge”, “Non-Discrimination”, “Sexual Harassment”, “Personnel Files”, “Notices”, “Severability”, “Union Security”, “Labor/Management Committee”, “Residency Employees”, and “Probation and Probationary Periods”.
These tentative agreements mean that the language for those articles is settled, pending agreement on a final contract. The bargaining committee takes management’s willingness to sign off on these outstanding items as an indicator of their desire to settle a contract soon. We are scheduled to meet again next week, on November 6, to discuss the package of financial offers made by management, as well as other outstanding issues.
Your support and input has been invaluable as we proceed with bargaining. Remember, “together we bargain, divided we beg.”
In solidarity,
The Goddard College Staff Union Bargaining Committee
Lise Couture, Business Office
Josh Hayes-High, WGDR
M.E. Lawlor, Human Resources
Monica Nelson, Library
Manuel O’Neill, Financial Aid
David Palmer, Facilities
Ryan Quinn, UAW 2322
Karen Rosenberg, UAW Int’l Union