Rally To Demand Mayor Sarno Implement the Foreclosure Ordinances NOW!
Monday October 7th, 2013 @ 5:30 PM
Springfield City Hall Steps
6:30 PM – Public Speak Out inside City Hall
UAW Local 2322 has been invited to join Springfield No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude and the Bank Tenant Association next Monday October 7th at 5:30PM at Springfield City Hall. We are launching a series of actions with a rally to demand that Mayor Domenic Sarno immediately implement the two foreclosure ordinances that were passed in 2011. Two years ago, we all came together to pass legislation that would hold Wall Street Accountable, force banks to mediate in person with homeowners before foreclosure, and require banks to pay to clean up distressed properties after unnecessary displacement. According to folks at City Hall, the ordinances have not been implemented because it is not a priority for the Mayor.
As a result hundreds more families have been foreclosed, and our communities continue to see more vacant homes. If the law had been implemented by January 1, 2012 the city could of collected as much as $4.76 MILLION DOLLARS in cash bonds to secure and maintain vacant properties. If banks refused to comply with the mandatory mediation, the city of Springfield could have fined those banks as much as (and possibly more than) $20.6 Million Dollars!
Given recent cuts to libraries, schools, and many other vital human and social services services – this is vital revenue that could be used to keep jobs open, or even better stimulate alternative economic solutions in Springfield.
We hope you will join us!