The GimmeFive program was launched at the 35th UAW Convention in June 2010 by President Bob King, the newly elected International Officers and Regional Directors, and the UAW Local Union Delegates. GimmeFive recruits and engages members in a new and innovative mobilizing program to Organize, Build Power and Win Justice for our union and community. TOGETHER WE WIN!
The first step is to, sign up for the program. You will receive a confirmation with information to track your activities and when to expect your official GimmeFive button. GimmeFive program activists can report their progress in activities by calling or texting (313) 288-9979, or by using their login on the GimmeFive web site.
Each time you complete a task you will be rewarded for your hard work with a new button. The goal is to collect all five buttons…the official GimmeFive, Power, Organize, Mobilize and Justice buttons. This web site will help you connect with other GimmeFive registered activists to find out about events and other ways to help you complete your hours for each category. Each UAW Region will compete for the highest level of GimmeFive activism and will be acknowledged for their hard work at the Community Action Program (CAP) Conference in January 2011.